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Fierce AF Inner Strength

Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz Blog: Fierce AF Inner Strength

He f#cked me over!

I’ve never been so frustrated, confused, upset, angry in my life. 🤬

It was just horrible!

To find out that the man you love has lied to you (more times than you can count), is absolutely devastating.

I kept asking myself, “How could I be so stupid?”, and “How did I let this happen?”

It sent me into a state of complete WTF and left me feeling very unworthy. ☹️

Like it was my fault. Like I wasn’t enough.

After many tears, much heartache, and an obscene amount of self-torment, I came to realize that it wasn’t my fault.

It wasn't my fault that I ended up dating a psychopath. After all, how was I to know?

Once I realized that there wasn’t anything wrong with me, I began the process of healing my wounds and shifting my energy to focus on myself, my happiness, and my success.

I got really deep into mantras and meditations, like this one:

Leading Embodiment and Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz of MyMovementality

These helped me greatly during that time in my life, and have only become more and more a part of my every day process.

What really happened with this fuck boy was a huge blow to my ego and my self-confidence.

Whether you’ve experienced something traumatic that has made you question yourself, or you’re just not as confident as you’d like to be, what I’m sharing with you today is going to help you greatly, diva.

Leading Embodiment and Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz of MyMovementality

Aside from my terrible relation-shit experience, I had pre-existing confidence issues, and this whole incident just felt like rubbing salt in an open wound. 🧂😩

I had body dysmorphia and an eating disorder, I didn't believe in myself, and I didn't believe in what I was capable of.

All this stemmed from the fact that I didn't fully love and accept myself.

I could never be pleased, nothing was ever good enough, and I wasn't happy.

It felt like I was a shadow of myself - a shadow to my best self, but one who could never quite find my own light and be as badass as the real rockstar version of me. 👥

I said "No" to so many things - not because I was setting healthy boundaries, but because I didn't think I was good ENOUGH.

Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz Blog: Fierce AF Inner Strength

😞 I wasn't beautiful enough to wear my favorite bikini in front of others at the beach.

😞 I wasn't smart enough to start my own business and do what I really wanted to do in life.

😞 I wasn't talented enough to build a successful career that allowed me to comfortably support myself and build the future I so deeply desired.

😞 I wasn't desirable enough for any sensibly authentic and honest partner with integrity to even notice me.

Hell...I wasn't anything enough.

The self-deprecation went on for years - and for years, I was unhappy, unfulfilled, and more depressed than I cared to let anyone on to.

During this time, everything in my life suffered - from my love life, to my career, to my sense of self.

Until, finally, I'd had my fill of wallowing in my own self-pity, and after years of feeling like a shell of myself, I decided I was over that shit! 🙅🏽‍♀️💩

Leading Embodiment and Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz of MyMovementality

I focused on myself.

I focused on

💘 my health and wellness

💘 taking care of my body

💘 treating myself with respect

💘 nurturing my spirit

💘 deep level self-love

💘 becoming one with my body

💘 living in alignment with my values

💘 doing things that were inspiring and that lit me up

💘 and I focused on all things I was passionate about.

I set fire to my old ways of thinking and behaving, and I re-emerged as the best version of myself - the one that I'd known - in my heart, for so long, that I was destined to become. ❤️‍🔥

NO more living in my own shadow.

NO more sabotaging my success.

NO more living a life that didn't feel like it was mine.

It was the most liberating experience of my life.

It was also the best decision I ever made.

Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz Blog: Fierce AF Inner Strength

Self-liberation is available to you too, gorgeous.

If you want freedom, fulfillment, and to live a life ON FIRE, you just have to decide that's what you want, and commit to it with a fierceness.

Getting started is simple.

Ask yourself, "Am I doing all of the self-confidence DO's, or any of DON'TS?" 🤔

If you're not on top of it, you could be seriously sabotaging your ability to believe in yourself and have peace, fulfillment, and happiness, and that is just NO bueno! 🙅

So, check yourself, beautiful, to make sure you're rocking your self confidence the right way:

Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz Blog: Fierce AF Inner Strength

❌ DON'T:

👉 Criticize yourself

👉 Compare yourself

👉 Negative self-talk

✅ DO:

👉 Stay positive

👉 Practice Gratitude

👉 Always be humble

Confidence can fluctuate.

But what I'm teaching you today will help you have consistent belief and trust in yourself, meaning you'll be UNSTOPPABLE! 🔥

It's time to ditch the drama and the doubt and FULLY step into your divine light! 🌟

Because YOU are amazing!

Don't believe me?

Try this exercise:

✍️ Take 1 minute and write down as many things as you can think of that you love about your body and yourself, your incredible accomplishments, and awesome experiences you've had.

💫 Then, read it to yourself. ARE AMAZING! 💫

📝 Save this list, add to it, and look at it often.

It's so important that we take time every day to connect with ourselves, our mission, and our magic. ✨

Basically, every day, you wanna remember who the EFF you are! 💯

Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz Blog: Fierce AF Inner Strength

I wanted to share this divine, soulful, heart-opening self confidence meditation to help you find your inner strength and really tap into and OWN it. 💪🏽 Watch my short guided meditation to take the first big step towards your most empowered self. ✨

Self Confidence Guided Meditation to Find Your Inner Strength by Leading Embodiment and Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz of MyMovementality

It's time you know how to connect with and claim your juiciest self love and belief in your badass self, today, and every day! ⏰

Click here to watch my divine guided meditation to connect to your Divine Creatrix and unleash your confidence. 💥

Leading Embodiment and Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz of MyMovementality

I'm ALL about taking things a step further and always going deeper into the journey of ooey gooey goodness when it comes to loving yourself, so I'm giving away my Positive Movement Mindset Affirmations to help you speak from your heart, lead with love, and trust in your fierce AF self every day! 💘

Positive Movement Mindset Affirmations -  Finally find your confidence to shine your brightest, reach all your biggest goals, and live every day with purpose, intention, and joy

Click here to download my affirmations guide and fall in love with your sassy self.

Keep in mind, Diva, that going from low, limited, and lost to becoming a confident, badass queen who knows your value, owns it, and lives your most authentic and abundant life doesn't happen overnight.

These are MASSIVE life transformations we're talking about, here.

I'm here to support you, guide you, and give you all the tools and resources necessary for your divine up-leveling.

One of the best free resources you can get tapped into right now is my private FB community. It's a really special container and I just love spending my time there! 💜

Join the FREE Abundant Queen Collective Facebook group lead by female success coach Jordan Wentz of MyMovementality:

If you're seeking deeper healing and don't want to do it all on your own, this is the perfect group for you! 👯‍♀️

I spend a lot of time in this group and I go live in there often, providing free coaching, training, workshops, and more - to help women, just like you, ascend into their most self-loving, successful, and EPIC selves. don't have to do it on your own, and quite honestly, why would you want to?

My community is called the Abundant Queen Collective and it's so juicy, divine, loving, and fun, plus it's filled with a soul tribe of women that are excited to support you along your journey to brilliance, babe! 🥰

Join the FREE Abundant Queen Collective Facebook group lead by female success coach Jordan Wentz of MyMovementality:

The work I do with all my clients is based around movement, mindset, and embodiment - 3 key things that other coaches and their programs lack.

For years, I've been helping women around the globe get crystal clear on who the EFF they are, what they truly want for themselves, and guide them to slay even the biggest of goals with speed, ease, and a proven process unlike any other that you'll actually enjoy!

I love my clients and I love the work I do with them! 💗

It fills me with purpose, knowing that I get to help women who are struggling - struggling like I once was - break the cycle, overcome their blockages and fears, and rise into the richest life they've ever imagined.

Not to brag, gorgeous, but...I'm really good at what I do.

My clients' success is nothing short of revolutionary.

Client Success Story Testimonial for Jordan Wentz of MyMovementality

My client, Elizabeth, craved change. She desperately need it.

She felt called to invest in herself and work with a coach who is heart-centered, soul-aligned, an expert in the field, and whose methods are unlike any others she'd seen or tried.

Elizabeth worked with me and it changed her life - all because she trusted her instinct and went for it.

If you're feeling the pull to make changes in your life, LISTEN to it.

If you're feeling hungry for greater freedom, confidence, success, abundance, and joy, ACT on it.

Book your FREE Abundant Queen Upgrade Call with Jordan Wentz and rise into abundance:

Leading Embodiment and Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz of MyMovementality

This is what I want you to know about working with me:

Leading Embodiment and Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz of MyMovementality

So, gorgeous, listen to yourself.

Trust yourself.

And make that leap of faith that will radically change your life.

Book your FREE Abundant Queen Upgrade Call with Jordan Wentz and rise into abundance:

You're one click away from your brightest, most badass future imaginable.

Choose yourself, Queen.

I look forward to seeing you in my calendar and connecting during our divine session.

All my love and dancey vibes to you, beautiful,

Leading Embodiment and Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz of MyMovementality

Jordan Wentz

Leading Embodiment Coach

Leading Embodiment and Female Success Coach Jordan Wentz of MyMovementality


is the founder and CEO Diva Hype-Woman of MyMovementality and the creator of the of premiere online embodiment and abundance program, Beyond Badass Move Maker. A movement, mindset, and personal development powerhouse, Jordan is leading the charge in teaching conscious empowerment and building visionaries who are devoted to living their most authentic lives with grace, ease, and confidence. Her brand of coaching is far from generic. She’s here to help people like YOU wake the eff up, so they can claim their sacred power to live their most fulfilled lives and build their legacy of divine abundance.

Since becoming a CEO, the only resolution Jordan has stuck with is swapping high heels for high tops and helping as many women rise into their power as possible. She’s never been happier. To learn more about Jordan Wentz and MyMovementality, visit

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